Use "saw off the branches one is sitting on|saw off the branch one be sit on" in a sentence

1. The brothers saw their market niche as the one-off poster.

2. Saw us land, saw us off.

3. We can saw off any dead branches and chop them for firewood.

4. She says that she saw Blanco riding off on the horse.

5. Hector saw one feeding on a stag.

6. One more hack and the branch was off.

7. One tree they saw snap off halfway up whirl away by the wind into the lagoon.

8. In the morning I saw him off

9. When we landed, I saw a red mass of meat hanging off a tree branch.

10. England saw off Luxembourg 5-0.

11. One time I went into the cockpit and I actually saw her sitting on the pilot's lap helping him fly the plane.

12. Following the Sunday events, Joe saw a thoroughly inebriated Longworth off on the overnight train.

13. My parents saw me off at the airport.

14. The dogs saw them off in no time.

15. The security guard saw the protesters off the premises.

16. The company saw off the threat of a takeover.

17. On some branches, it has been eaten/Chewed almost right off the entire branch, (and this is a large tree!).

18. He stood on one of the top milky branches of a sycamore, a nonchalant forty feet off the ground.

19. Sitting down, he kicked off his painted moccasins, one red and one green.

20. The child made off when he saw a stranger.

21. Suddenly the branch that he is stand on snap off.

22. They saw many seals off the Coast of Alaska.

23. One centimeter off on this side.

24. “They saw [the fulfillment of God’s promises] afar off.”

25. Randy and I saw one on the Cape about four years ago.

26. One glider on the curtain has gone off.

27. When she saw Ario and the children sitting on his wings, she laughed.

28. 21 The burglar saw the policeman and cleared off immediately.

29. We saw lots of Rhinos, Giraffes, Boffolas, Zebras, Warthogs Flamingos and Baboons (one was hanging off the roof into the vehicle)

30. Are you positive you saw me switch the iron off?

31. 1 The child made off when he saw a stranger.

32. One by one he checked them off on his register.

33. Gage saw the old green bottle sitting on his desk and picked it up.

34. I saw him hurrying off to catch his plane.

35. Schoolchildren saw their fathers or brothers off, shouting “banzai!”

36. The one that we saw said " aneurysm. "

37. Had to saw this chappy's arm off myself yesterday.

38. Only one doctor is on duty today the other doctor is off duty.

39. One lady was on her morning walk and picked up a rattler she saw on the road.

40. He walked in and saw her sitting on the floor, piling books into a carton.

41. Suddenly the branch that he was standing on snapped off.

42. The branch she was standing on must have snapped off.

43. 18 When the deer saw the hunter, it made off at once.

44. 🔊 The woman’s Chutzpah ran off many men who saw her outgoing confidence as a turn-off

45. Then one Sunday I watched as she took the clippers and cut off one whole branch of the plant .

46. When the enemy saw how strong our forces were, they draw off.

47. 1 No one but she saw the prowler.

48. 5 One sometimes works off one's irritation on others.

49. One that you can turn on and turn off.

50. They saw the blob in the mirror, touched it and cleaned it off.

51. Arnold is a blockhead if I ever saw one.

52. Then one of the robbers saw that there was still a ring on her ring finger.

53. —the lopped-off natural branches

54. Without permission, I opened the door and saw him sitting on a chair, guarded by a partisan.

55. One night my mom saw storm warnings on the news, and we all went to the basement.

56. The falling star she saw actually her own soul, flying off to heaven.

57. Inside the elegant woman he saw a coarse one.

58. The first one that David saw was human evil.

59. A crook if I ever saw one.

60. One day, I saw the sunset forty-four times!

61. I heard a plonk, and saw that the box had fallen off the table.

62. I Saw “the Small One” Become “a Mighty Nation”

63. I saw them sitting cheek By jowl in the theatre.

64. One of the two adversaries must be finished off.

65. Amob's happy hour deals also include buy-one, get-one-half-off on appetizers

66. I saw her arrive on the scene, I saw the fire die out.

67. Early one morning, I saw a hungry and well-camouflaged caterpillar on a beautiful rosebush.

68. Screw air compressor is adjusted by the Turn On & Off action of one intake valve.

69. The caretaker ran out and saw off the boys who had been damaging the fence.

70. Officials saw 798 as an opportunity to show off its cultural vibrancy.

71. He may also use the saw - like edges tear off parts of larger fruits.

72. I saw him take off his anorak and sling it into the back seat.

73. We saw a hare jumping into our garden and ran it off.

74. They saw their mother sitting facing upward on unhurriedly shucking peanuts as though nothing had happened.

75. Don't break off the branch.

76. I hacked the dead branches off.

77. “When I’d date,” recalls one teenage girl, “it was usually on one week and off the next.”

78. I saw an access port in one of the corridors.

79. All smaller arteries come off branches of the Aorta, like exits on a highway

80. One such project took place on Idugo Island, off the coast of Mozambique.